Successful completion of emergency response marine vessel fueling, lube oil, potable water, compressed air delivery, and waste oil, bilge, and sewage removal systems. The system includes automated controls, user control push button and touch screen interfaces, and continuous monitoring and leak detection. All controls and alarms are also integrated into the clients multi facility product and facility management system. After completion of this project, we were contracted by the client to reconfigure the same systems at other facilities to match the monitoring and controls interfacing we engineered for this project.
With the confidence and experience of Lescure Company’s in house construction and engineering team, we were able to provide a turnkey single source lump sum contract option guaranteeing the client a solution to not halt or disrupt manufacturing due to this notification. The success of the recycling water system exceeded the project expectation.
Working together with our client, the water district, and even PG&E electric who supplies power to the water district’s distribution pumps, we were also able to secure grant funding paid directly to the owner to support the project costs. Lescure Company’s water system was designed, permitted, built, and proven working for the water district to release the service shutoff notice, without interrupting any of the facility manufacturing operations.
After in depth review of the clients manufacturing process, their products, tools machines, and equipment vendors, the completed system was able to recycled 100% of manufacturing waste water. The recycled water was 3rd party lab tested to document it’s use did not void any equipment manufacturer warranties. Functions of the water recycling system are automated via central controller to deliver specific manufacturing water temperatures, chemistry and content specifications required to comply with equipment and the clients own manufacturing water standards.